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Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Brady is doing well today,no poop parties as of yet. He has been having drop seizures,mainly in the afternoon and at night. Tonight so far,he has had at least 10 or more every hour. He is falling all over the place,its just heartbreaking to watch. I am so jumpy everytime he moves,thinking I have to catch him before he hits the cement floor. Of course it hasnt detoured his walking,hes still all over the place. We have been really lucky so far that all the seizures have been while standing next to us,or sitting. We talked to the doc today,and he increased his depakote,so maybe that will help. Havent got the test results back,but will keep ya posted.

posted by angelwings @ 10:43 PM
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About Brady

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I am 11yrs old and I have Angelman Syndrome. I may have this syndrome, but I dont let it hold me back. I love life and live it to the fullest every single day. My mom says that our research organization, Foundation for Angelman Syndrome Therapeutics, is working really hard on a treatment or even a cure for me and my friends. I am thankful to have 25 words but I look forward to the day that I can carry on long conversations and talk so much that everybody has to ask me to please be quiet for a few minutes :) Anyway, mom says Im awesome and super funny and I have to agree,lol.

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Interactive Seizure Diary

This downloadable Interactive Seizure Diary helps you track your seizure activity and medication routine. You can also record doctor appointments and notes about how you are feeling. Before a doctor appointment, print the information and share it with your physician.

Angelman Forum & Chat

The AS Forum was created in April 2005 and provides an easy way for family members and carers of people with Angelman Syndrome (AS) to exchange information with each other.

Cure Angelman Syndrome

The Foundation for Angelman Syndrome Therapeutics (or FAST) is an organization of families and professionals dedicated to finding a cure for Angelman Syndrome and related disorders through the funding of an aggressive research agenda, education, and advocacy.

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