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Thursday, November 03, 2011
Hello everyone!!!! First let me just apologize for not posting pictures like I promised. For some reason the blog is now allowing me to post....will have to get tech support involved Im afraid.
Anyway, its been an exciting, emotional couple of days here. We have a number of Angels who are sick, suffering from seizures, or have been involved in accidents :( Please keep these little ones and their families in your thoughts and prayers.
As for Mr. Brady, he is doing well. We got all of his med levels back yesterday and one of his med levels (zonegran) was very high, so we began reducing that med this morning. Please help us pray that the reduction does not create a seizure problem and that it helps Brady to be able to eat again.
Another issue that we are having at the moment is that Brady has developed an odd calice on his foot. He walks on the inside of his feet, so we suspect that this is now causing the calice. We go to the ortho doc next week to find out what or if we need to do anything.
Aside from the calice, high med levels, and negative effects of the seizure meds, Brady is doing pretty good. He refuses to eat, but is enjoying lots of calorie filled smoothies. As for the seizures, we have not seen even an absent seizure since his VNS was turned up on October 17th (knock on wood).
Moving on.... all of you Angelman families who are located in MS, LA, AL, and Fl, dont forget about our Magnolia Angel reunion on Nov. 12th in Hurley Ms!! Were going to have food, activities, an amazing slideshow, and lots of Angel chaos :) :) While this is a Magnolia Reunion, we welcome any friends and family who would like to attend. Its going to be a day of fun, so come and join us!!!!
In other news...the long awaited FAST newsletter finally made its way to my email tonight! I skimmed through it several times tonight, but finally had an opportunity to sit down a few minutes ago, and read through, without interruption....all I can say is WOW, the wait was so worth it!!!!!!! It discusses the probability of a cure, clinical trials, and even shares the words of a wise young woman, who suffers from Angelman Syndrome. When asked about how she felt when we spoke of a cure or treatment, she said that she wanted to be free on the outside. Harli is an exceptional young woman who successfully uses a communication device to speak for her. So thank you Ms. Harli for being such a strong voice for all of our Angels!! I pray that one day you and all others affected by Angelman will be free on the inside! As I said, the newsletter was amazing. It spoke of many things, including a section on how Bradys hospitalization affected the Vivint Angelman votes and the overall community. Above that you get to see a beautiful picture of our little Angel. I also found out that clinical trials are going to be help in Florida, so now we just pray that Brady gets in! Anyway go to
Cure Angelman November 2011 Newsletter and read WILL NOT be disappointed!
Its now time to get out of here and work on the Magnolia Memory Lane, slide! Gn all!!!!!!

posted by angelwings @ 1:22 AM
  • At 9:28 AM, Blogger Taryn08 said…


    I am a student studying speech and language pathology in Kansas. I am very interested in Angelman Syndrome. You had mentioned in your blog about other angels who use alternative forms of communication, and I was wondering if you had tried any of these methods with your son? If so, which ones?

    I am very interested to know what is and is not effective in this community of very special individuals.
    Any comments you have would be much appreciated.

    Thank you!


  • At 2:30 AM, Blogger angelwings said…

    I think its awesome that you are studying speech and language pathology! I wish you all the best in your studies and in your career. We actually have an extensive history with communication methods/devices. When Brady was 2yrs, we started out with a bigmac, which he caught onto pretty quickly. We also used talking pic frames, which can be found at most any electronics store and they are inexpensive. Like and boy, Brady can be a bit destructive, so the frames didnt last for very long. We have used picture books, but it is impossible for him to thumb through several pages of pictures to find the one he is looking for. One thing that worked great, until he tore up all the pictures, was laminated copies of short words, which we posted on the door with velcro. Brady quickly learned to read the words on the cards and would choose accurately what he wanted. It would be pure speculation to say that he could or could not actually read the words, but I know for fact that our children to learn to recognize common words. I think that teaching reading skills is a very useful tool for our children. We recently tried the ipod touch, but coordination became a major issue for Brady. The icons were too small and he could not activate just one icon at the time. He does have finger isolating down, but coordination must be a consideration when choosing a device. We are going to get an Ipad, which we are hoping insurance will pay for by next year. Many of our children use the Ipads because they are fairly durable with the otterbox, they are easy to operate, and are more portable than some of the more heavy devices. I will have to let you know how it goes, but we are expecting great things. The other communication technique that I recommend with any nonverbal child, is sign language. Brady does have some signs, but his favorite is hungry,lol. He signs hungry and we let him pick what he wants to eat by looking at the packages or labels; he does well with this. I also allow him to pick out his favorite foods in the grocery store as well. We were blessed to find an awesome speech therapist who showed us many out of the box techniques, which has helped us through the years. We have put putty on buttons to raise them up for better access, we have used fish aquarium tubing and grape flavored tongue depressors to help Brady learn to close his lips and drink from a straw. We are still in contact with the ST, so if you have questions, please let me know and I will direct them to her. Hope this helps!

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I am 11yrs old and I have Angelman Syndrome. I may have this syndrome, but I dont let it hold me back. I love life and live it to the fullest every single day. My mom says that our research organization, Foundation for Angelman Syndrome Therapeutics, is working really hard on a treatment or even a cure for me and my friends. I am thankful to have 25 words but I look forward to the day that I can carry on long conversations and talk so much that everybody has to ask me to please be quiet for a few minutes :) Anyway, mom says Im awesome and super funny and I have to agree,lol.

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Interactive Seizure Diary

This downloadable Interactive Seizure Diary helps you track your seizure activity and medication routine. You can also record doctor appointments and notes about how you are feeling. Before a doctor appointment, print the information and share it with your physician.

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The AS Forum was created in April 2005 and provides an easy way for family members and carers of people with Angelman Syndrome (AS) to exchange information with each other.

Cure Angelman Syndrome

The Foundation for Angelman Syndrome Therapeutics (or FAST) is an organization of families and professionals dedicated to finding a cure for Angelman Syndrome and related disorders through the funding of an aggressive research agenda, education, and advocacy.

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